Senior Portraits

Senior Photos: ADAM


The weather has not been an ally to me this summer and as a result, Adam’s session had to be rescheduled more than once. I hate it when this happens, but there is literally nothing I can do. Thankfully, we were able to get together last week in Medfield and I am so excited to share a few of my favs from his senior portrait session.

Now…What to say about about Adam. First and foremost, that hair…am I right? It’s amazing.

On a more substantive level, Adam is a kind and genuine young man with a big heart, as evidence things he shared that matter most to him in his life. He values others and sees himself going into some kind of biology field next, if he can pass AP Bio next year! :)

This summer Adam is spending every day working with children ages 4-8 and learning a ton about kids in general. His laid back demeanor and approachable nature is no doubt what makes him so popular with his campers…and also, the hair., of course :)

Adam’s session had some hilarious moments that left his mom and me laughing even after the session. Moments like these are what stick in my mind as being truly authentic and part of the reason I love working with Seniors oh so much.


The question remains: Is it possible that I give a terrible direction just to see what you will do with it with the hopes that I will snap a genuinely, unguarded moment where you just burst out laughing...??? (hmmm….sneaky) You be the judge.

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Posing Deconstructed- TRIANGLES

Before you get concerned, the title does not mean you’ll have to somehow contort your body into a triangle-like shape and hold it while I get a good picture. That happens later in the session… Just kidding!

For my purposes, to “triangle pose” means to pose in a stable yet unique way that is pleasing to the eye.

Still feeling confused? I have some examples.

Lily (pictured to the right) is not only perfect in every way, (very funny) but this pose is a great illustration of what I am talking about. Her left arm is extended away from her body, while her right arm is elevated and placed on her knee. One of her legs is lifted, creating yet ANOTHER triangle! She’s on fire!

A pose like this brings levels and variety that make you look relaxed, grounded and natural.






Meghan and Kate, Fig 2 + 3 respectively, are variations on the same theme and they both look great. Everyone’s body is different, but for the most part everyone can create at least one of these three options. At your session we will try them out and see what works best for you.




My Senior Portrait Session is Soon But I'm Camera Shy...

Alrighty…it’s a few days before your senior portrait session and you’re starting to feel some anxiety. Not a fan of being in front of the camera? Break out in hives just thinking about posing? You are not alone…trust me. Don’t worry, you’re not impossible to photograph.

Let me put it in terms you may relate to. Athletes: think of how you prepare for games. Performers: think of the vocalizations at the beginning of rehearsal. You have to warm up before you can ask your body and/or your brain to be present. Same thing with being photographed. Give yourself a break! You just need to adjust.


First of all, know that my #1 priority is to build a safe and friendly environment where you feel comfortable being yourself. If it helps, think of me as your favorite “cool aunt” who wants nothing more than for you to succeed. If that doesn’t work, try to trust that my decades of theater training and teaching partnered with experience photographing many different personality types makes me uniquely qualified to say with confidence that “one of my special gifts is “tricking people into relaxing in front of my camera.” It’s true!

if you’re still feeling uneasy- just show up and know you will get the hang of it, I promise.

One of my special gifts is tricking people into relaxing in front of my camera!


You do not need to show up to you session knowing exactly what to do. Trust me, I’m not expecting any experienced models.

You blink a lot? No problem. You don’t know how to position your body? DO NOT WORRY! I will tell you exactly what to do. (see videos…I am bossy) Honestly, if you show up with a few outfit options and a good attitude, you’ll be all set.

We will be together for a while so it’s not like you only have one opportunity to take a perfect picture and BAM! You’re done. It doesn’t work like that. You’ve got plenty of time to find your rhythm.

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Nominations for free Senior Portrait Session

I am so excited to announce this!!

After the year students have had, I know there is a 2022 Senior out there who is the perfect fit for my giveaway. I can not wait to hear about the fantastic seniors you know!

Nominations are now open for the very first




Do you have a friend or family member who could really use a win? A classmate who is down on their luck and you’d like to see them smile? {Or really any scenario in which you know a senior who would benefit from a free Senior Portrait Session } Then I want to hear from you. Nominate them for the first ever “Deserving Senior- Portrait Session Giveaway





LOCATION | Client Preference

DURATION| [up to] 90 minutes of shooting

INCLUDED | Private Online Gallery | Yearbook Submission* | 8 Photographic Prints | Hi-Resolution Digital Files for all printed images Standard TLC retouching on all printed images

Guidelines for Nominees

  • Must be a 2022 graduating senior currently enrolled in high school or alternative education program

  • Must live and attend school within 25 miles of Watertown, MA [02472]

  • Must consent to having their name + photo used publicly in connection with this giveaway

  • No, silly…you may not nominate yourself

  • You do not have to be a senior yourself to nominate a senior.

Giveaway Terms | Conditions

  • JsniderPHOTO is the sponsor of this giveaway and is associated with or endorsed by no other entity

  • Deserving Senior will be selected by JsniderPHOTO

  • Nominations will be accepted from June 18, 2021 to Midnight July 17,2021 EST

  • Winner will be announced SUNDAY July 18, 2021 via Instagram and personal email

  • This giveaway is a service prize. No money will be awarded

  • The regular retail value of the FULL PHOTO SESSION GIVEAWAY is $500.00

Why booking your senior portrait session early is a great idea!

With spring quickly coming to an end, a new season is beginning: Senior Portrait Season! Now, you may be saying to yourself “Julia, I am just just finishing junior year, give me a minute!!!” I get it I do, but let me just say, you are going to be way happier and calmer if you book this important event early. Keep reading to find out why.


First things first: Take this short (very scientific, ahem) “self analysis quiz” to assess whether you are the type of Senior who should book their session early:

  1. Prefers to be a leader among your peers, answer questions and help others

  2. Likes to check things off you schedule and to-do list

  3. Is excited about senior year and wants to start it off feeling confident

  4. Tends to grow anxious or overwhelmed in new situations or with new people

  5. Appreciates time to prepare for important activities, events, potentially stressful situations

If you answered YES to one or more of the above, then you are the exact person/personality type who will benefit greatly from booking your senior portrait session early.

Q: What is the #1 reason to book your senior portrait session early ?

A: You’ll have more options than everyone else!!!


Benefits of Booking your Senior Photos Early


    • One major to-do for senior year is off the list


    • The earlier you book, the more flexibility you have to get the exact date, time, location that works best for you

    • If you want a haircut you’ll have time to plan ahead so your stylist is available rather than scrambling to book a last minute trip to the salon

    • If it looks like rain on your session day, there are far more dates from which to choose than if you book last minute


    • The late day, “golden hour” sun in New England is gorgeous for photographs and highly sought after. There are only so many late day sessions available.


    • Sundresses, flowing tops and single layer clothing is best in warm weather. While you can wear whatever you would like, your body reacts in colder temps. (pink nose, dripping nose) It’s much easier to throw on a sweater in warm weather for a few shots then to wear a sundress and freeze in the fall.


    • Your Senior Year is going to be stressful enough. Start it off on the right foot and book your photos early so you can lay back and start thinking about where life will take you next.


    • When people plan ahead for their Senior Photo Session they also receive the benefit of some perks that people who book last minute do not receive. Sometimes it’s extra prints, sometimes it’s credit for additional products. Sometimes it’s actual products that would otherwise cost way more. You just never know…you’ll have to book early to find out.

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Newest Team Member to JsniderPHOTO

Join me in welcoming Lily to the JSP Team!

Let’s get to know her a bit better, shall we?!


The Basics

Name: Lily McCormick

High School: Medfield High School

Grad Year: 2020

College: Emerson

Major: Media Arts

Biggest Success Senior Year: Making the honor roll!

Best Vacation : Summer 2019 I got to visit London and Paris. It was amazing!

Books: “Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim” / “We Were Liars”

Shows : Parks & Recreation, Fleabag

Sweet Treats: Snickerdoodle cookies

College Nerves: I was so nervous that I would make no friends. Luckily, that didn’t happen and I met some of the best people who I know I’ll remain close to for years to come.

Lily is with us all summer. If you are a senior and want to tell your story, know a special senior we should highlight,or just want to say hello, contact her via email:

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The Senior Voice

Ah Senior Year!

Isabella: Westborough High School 21’

Isabella: Westborough High School 21’

The year of college applications and in turn, many, MANY tears. I had planned on majoring in Musical Theater, but ended up changing my mind in September. Now, I’m going to be doing a double major in Environmental Science and Theater! I’m so happy I changed my plans around because I really feel this is the best choice for me. I’m so passionate about environmental issues and want to be a part of helping to solve the climate crisis. At the same time, being on stage is my home and there’s nothing that makes me happier than performing. With the double major, I’ll be able to keep both of my passions in my life, and I’m so excited to see what the future holds. 

Currently, I have 16 schools on my application list–I know, it’s a lot. The worst part about this year is that I’m not able to visit any colleges. So to be honest, I don’t really know what I like and don’t like. I’m hoping that there will be at least one of these 16 schools that I’ll love. With 16 schools comes a lot of supplemental essays. It’s weird to be writing this blog without having to think of a word limit. I keep thinking “am I under 250 words?” haha; that’s how I know I’ve written too many supplements. I’ve actually been very proud of how I’m handling my applications considering I’m known to be the biggest procrastinator. I’ve been working on them a bit every day so I’m never rushing them all before the due date. As much fun as application season has been (not), I’m looking forward to being done, and able to just relax and enjoy the rest of senior year.

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