casual senior photos

Tips to Posing for your Senior Portrait Session: Hands

Whether she is uncomfortable or not, her hands reveal an awkwardness/tension

Whether she is uncomfortable or not, her hands reveal an awkwardness/tension

I can’t tell you how many times I am asked “What should I do with my hands? ” Being photographed makes us hyper focused on parts of our bodies we rarely think about in daily life. Similar to a Poker Tell, our hands can betray us in stressful or awkward situations.

Do any of these betrayals happen to you:

  • Sweaty palms

  • We start to crack our knuckles

  • We pick at the skin around our nails

  • Create claws with fingers

  • Squeeze fingers together

You’re not alone, I have been there. Years ago, I was submitting, what I thought was a beautiful 3/4 headshot to casting directors, until one day during an audition I was asked “Why does your wrist look like that in your photo?” Yeah. Not great.

As a result of this experience, totally traumatic for my 22 year old self, I am hypervigilant during your session to remind you to relax your hands!

Check out these examples:

TOP: Relaxed Bottom: Not so much

TOP: Relaxed Bottom: Not so much

TOP: Relaxed Bottom: Nope!

TOP: Relaxed Bottom: Nope!

TOP + BOTTOM: Both Winners

TOP + BOTTOM: Both Winners


Feel educated?! Great…more on the way.

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Newest Team Member to JsniderPHOTO

Join me in welcoming Lily to the JSP Team!

Let’s get to know her a bit better, shall we?!


The Basics

Name: Lily McCormick

High School: Medfield High School

Grad Year: 2020

College: Emerson

Major: Media Arts

Biggest Success Senior Year: Making the honor roll!

Best Vacation : Summer 2019 I got to visit London and Paris. It was amazing!

Books: “Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim” / “We Were Liars”

Shows : Parks & Recreation, Fleabag

Sweet Treats: Snickerdoodle cookies

College Nerves: I was so nervous that I would make no friends. Luckily, that didn’t happen and I met some of the best people who I know I’ll remain close to for years to come.

Lily is with us all summer. If you are a senior and want to tell your story, know a special senior we should highlight,or just want to say hello, contact her via email:

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