male senior portraits

Senior Portraits- Spencer


Normally I wouldn’t call someone by their full name, but Spencer Cole is just too darn smooth and dashing sounding to not use in its entirety. Can’t you just imagine a romantic comedy where he runs into an adorable heroine who accidentally spills coffee on him and she looks up into the eyes of none other than “renowned business tycoon Spencer Cole?!” (it is also entirely possible that the ridiculous audio-book, Waiting for Tom Hanks, which I am listening to while editing Spencer Cole’s pictures, is slowly seeping into my subconscious ( Okay, definitely because the “coffee spill” is exactly what just happened in the book!)

Anyway…back to reality. While I certainly can not claim to know Spencer well, what I was able to garner is that he runs track and likes it a lot, speaks Mandarin-which is very difficult, and only resents his parents a little for continuing to have children when they hit it out of the park with him on the first try! His mom, Kiersten was present at the session so I think the last one was more of a family joke. Oh yeah, and most importantly, he is 100% certain he hit the jackpot when he got the amazing Kaylie to go out with him.

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