My Senior Portrait Session is Soon But I'm Camera Shy...

Alrighty…it’s a few days before your senior portrait session and you’re starting to feel some anxiety. Not a fan of being in front of the camera? Break out in hives just thinking about posing? You are not alone…trust me. Don’t worry, you’re not impossible to photograph.

Let me put it in terms you may relate to. Athletes: think of how you prepare for games. Performers: think of the vocalizations at the beginning of rehearsal. You have to warm up before you can ask your body and/or your brain to be present. Same thing with being photographed. Give yourself a break! You just need to adjust.


First of all, know that my #1 priority is to build a safe and friendly environment where you feel comfortable being yourself. If it helps, think of me as your favorite “cool aunt” who wants nothing more than for you to succeed. If that doesn’t work, try to trust that my decades of theater training and teaching partnered with experience photographing many different personality types makes me uniquely qualified to say with confidence that “one of my special gifts is “tricking people into relaxing in front of my camera.” It’s true!

if you’re still feeling uneasy- just show up and know you will get the hang of it, I promise.

One of my special gifts is tricking people into relaxing in front of my camera!


You do not need to show up to you session knowing exactly what to do. Trust me, I’m not expecting any experienced models.

You blink a lot? No problem. You don’t know how to position your body? DO NOT WORRY! I will tell you exactly what to do. (see videos…I am bossy) Honestly, if you show up with a few outfit options and a good attitude, you’ll be all set.

We will be together for a while so it’s not like you only have one opportunity to take a perfect picture and BAM! You’re done. It doesn’t work like that. You’ve got plenty of time to find your rhythm.

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