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The Senior Voice

Ah Senior Year!

Isabella: Westborough High School 21’

Isabella: Westborough High School 21’

The year of college applications and in turn, many, MANY tears. I had planned on majoring in Musical Theater, but ended up changing my mind in September. Now, I’m going to be doing a double major in Environmental Science and Theater! I’m so happy I changed my plans around because I really feel this is the best choice for me. I’m so passionate about environmental issues and want to be a part of helping to solve the climate crisis. At the same time, being on stage is my home and there’s nothing that makes me happier than performing. With the double major, I’ll be able to keep both of my passions in my life, and I’m so excited to see what the future holds. 

Currently, I have 16 schools on my application list–I know, it’s a lot. The worst part about this year is that I’m not able to visit any colleges. So to be honest, I don’t really know what I like and don’t like. I’m hoping that there will be at least one of these 16 schools that I’ll love. With 16 schools comes a lot of supplemental essays. It’s weird to be writing this blog without having to think of a word limit. I keep thinking “am I under 250 words?” haha; that’s how I know I’ve written too many supplements. I’ve actually been very proud of how I’m handling my applications considering I’m known to be the biggest procrastinator. I’ve been working on them a bit every day so I’m never rushing them all before the due date. As much fun as application season has been (not), I’m looking forward to being done, and able to just relax and enjoy the rest of senior year.

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Young Actor Headshots- Kathleen


Recent world traveler and current cast member of Spring Awakening in Fall River, meet Kathleen.

Her role as Secretary of the Medfield High School Theater Society s a perfect fit for her effervescent personality and welcoming demeanor and she does not take for granted the leadership role it provides.

More than anything and perhaps most importantly, Kathleen is a devoted friend. She speaks so highly of those she loves and truly wants the best for them.

Since Kathleen is a performer we did a combination session. (headshot/senior portraits) Which, lucky for you means you’ll see more of her again soon

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Sr Combo Session: Isabella


Thank you so much for taking my pictures today. You always make me feel so comfortable and make the experience so amazing and fun. The college audition process is a stressful time but you made me feel so much better about it.


While I ventured back to work on Friday, it was not without its challenges. I am very hands on with my clients in terms of adjustments to their hair or clothing so it went against all of my instincts to stop and have Isabella’s mom fix everything…but if I want to work this is how it has to be so I will adjust. Also, shooting with a mask on takes some getting used to and is hot, especially with the camera in front of my face, but is not in the least prohibitive. ( wearing a mask is required by me for anyone at my sessions)

Isabella’s session was great. I heard all about her almost playing the lead her in school musical, EVITA and her currently lazy summer days on the hammock. And get this….she saw both Hadestown and Hamilton on the Broadway (remember when we had that in NY?) and she liked Hadestown better?! Now all I want to do is see Hadestown!! :)

The second part of her session is Tuesday night in Concord, MA and I can’t wait to share those photos too!

TWO years ago on  a freezing cold day in MARCH.

TWO years ago on a freezing cold day in MARCH.

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Senior Portraits- Christian


The eldest of four boys, Christian is the older brother you love and adore, but whose shadow casts a pretty wide net. As if his Kennedy good looks and perfect smile were not enough, he is also captain of the track team and fluent in Latin. (I may be taking some poetic license with the phrase “fluent in Latin”, but it flowed better than “can definitely say hello.” ) From what I understand, Christian thought his session was going to take four hours and be as enjoyable as a root canal. Thankfully, he was entirely mistaken and five minutes into it was clearly not miserable at all. Even high school boys can enjoy being the center of attention for a photo session sometimes. As an added bonus we came up with a bunch of new outfit combos. (kudos to mom for selecting great stuff!)

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Young Actor Headshots - Olivia


Equally at home in Japan, New York or Boston, Olivia is a multicultural young woman of the world. Landing at Walnut Hill to study theater is only one small rung on the ladder to whatever her future may hold. After weeks of back and forth online trying to schedule, we finally met up on campus for her photo session and I was delighted to finally meet the sweet young woman who has been so darn busy! Turns out, she is currently rehearsing for the the fall show LET IT BE- A Celebration of the Music of the Beatles at Walnut Hill and doesn’t have a ton of free time. AND, fun fact I discovered with a little known search engine called “the google”, a few years ago Olivia was part of the Tokyo International Players production of Big River !

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Young Actor Headshots- Zoey


Zoey knows a lot…about a lot of things. Teach her a dance - she has it down in a day and can tell me what I am forgetting in my own choreography. Need some music composed or harmonies taught- she has already made the recording and distributed it to her peers. Want someone to know the ins and outs of the school auditorium sound system- Done! (See what I mean?) This bodes well for her desire to study music management in college. She is perfectly suited to this work! Definitely the most organized person in the room. And heck - if the lead singer loses their voice, Zoey can run on stage and belt the heck out of whatever song they need. (because of course…she has a great voice too!)


Young Actor Headshots- Matthew


So you know how there are some people in this world who it seems the Universe has smiled on a bit more than the rest of us? Yeah…that would be Matthew. Having a seemingly effortless vocal ability that sets him apart from his peers in a way you can’t be jealous of because his voice is just too gorgeous, would be enough, but Matthew is also tall, smart, funny, kind and a genuine friend. Although he claims he doesn’t play baseball as well as his accomplished brother, I highly doubt that he is telling the truth. Matthew will absolutely have his choice of Musical Theater programs to attend next Fall.

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