Senior Photos: ADAM


The weather has not been an ally to me this summer and as a result, Adam’s session had to be rescheduled more than once. I hate it when this happens, but there is literally nothing I can do. Thankfully, we were able to get together last week in Medfield and I am so excited to share a few of my favs from his senior portrait session.

Now…What to say about about Adam. First and foremost, that hair…am I right? It’s amazing.

On a more substantive level, Adam is a kind and genuine young man with a big heart, as evidence things he shared that matter most to him in his life. He values others and sees himself going into some kind of biology field next, if he can pass AP Bio next year! :)

This summer Adam is spending every day working with children ages 4-8 and learning a ton about kids in general. His laid back demeanor and approachable nature is no doubt what makes him so popular with his campers…and also, the hair., of course :)

Adam’s session had some hilarious moments that left his mom and me laughing even after the session. Moments like these are what stick in my mind as being truly authentic and part of the reason I love working with Seniors oh so much.


The question remains: Is it possible that I give a terrible direction just to see what you will do with it with the hopes that I will snap a genuinely, unguarded moment where you just burst out laughing...??? (hmmm….sneaky) You be the judge.

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