Sr Combo Session: Isabella


Thank you so much for taking my pictures today. You always make me feel so comfortable and make the experience so amazing and fun. The college audition process is a stressful time but you made me feel so much better about it.


While I ventured back to work on Friday, it was not without its challenges. I am very hands on with my clients in terms of adjustments to their hair or clothing so it went against all of my instincts to stop and have Isabella’s mom fix everything…but if I want to work this is how it has to be so I will adjust. Also, shooting with a mask on takes some getting used to and is hot, especially with the camera in front of my face, but is not in the least prohibitive. ( wearing a mask is required by me for anyone at my sessions)

Isabella’s session was great. I heard all about her almost playing the lead her in school musical, EVITA and her currently lazy summer days on the hammock. And get this….she saw both Hadestown and Hamilton on the Broadway (remember when we had that in NY?) and she liked Hadestown better?! Now all I want to do is see Hadestown!! :)

The second part of her session is Tuesday night in Concord, MA and I can’t wait to share those photos too!

TWO years ago on  a freezing cold day in MARCH.

TWO years ago on a freezing cold day in MARCH.

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