Musical Theater

The Senior Voice

Ah Senior Year!

Isabella: Westborough High School 21’

Isabella: Westborough High School 21’

The year of college applications and in turn, many, MANY tears. I had planned on majoring in Musical Theater, but ended up changing my mind in September. Now, I’m going to be doing a double major in Environmental Science and Theater! I’m so happy I changed my plans around because I really feel this is the best choice for me. I’m so passionate about environmental issues and want to be a part of helping to solve the climate crisis. At the same time, being on stage is my home and there’s nothing that makes me happier than performing. With the double major, I’ll be able to keep both of my passions in my life, and I’m so excited to see what the future holds. 

Currently, I have 16 schools on my application list–I know, it’s a lot. The worst part about this year is that I’m not able to visit any colleges. So to be honest, I don’t really know what I like and don’t like. I’m hoping that there will be at least one of these 16 schools that I’ll love. With 16 schools comes a lot of supplemental essays. It’s weird to be writing this blog without having to think of a word limit. I keep thinking “am I under 250 words?” haha; that’s how I know I’ve written too many supplements. I’ve actually been very proud of how I’m handling my applications considering I’m known to be the biggest procrastinator. I’ve been working on them a bit every day so I’m never rushing them all before the due date. As much fun as application season has been (not), I’m looking forward to being done, and able to just relax and enjoy the rest of senior year.

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Young Actor Headshots- Kathleen


Recent world traveler and current cast member of Spring Awakening in Fall River, meet Kathleen.

Her role as Secretary of the Medfield High School Theater Society s a perfect fit for her effervescent personality and welcoming demeanor and she does not take for granted the leadership role it provides.

More than anything and perhaps most importantly, Kathleen is a devoted friend. She speaks so highly of those she loves and truly wants the best for them.

Since Kathleen is a performer we did a combination session. (headshot/senior portraits) Which, lucky for you means you’ll see more of her again soon

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Sr Combo Session: Isabella


Thank you so much for taking my pictures today. You always make me feel so comfortable and make the experience so amazing and fun. The college audition process is a stressful time but you made me feel so much better about it.


While I ventured back to work on Friday, it was not without its challenges. I am very hands on with my clients in terms of adjustments to their hair or clothing so it went against all of my instincts to stop and have Isabella’s mom fix everything…but if I want to work this is how it has to be so I will adjust. Also, shooting with a mask on takes some getting used to and is hot, especially with the camera in front of my face, but is not in the least prohibitive. ( wearing a mask is required by me for anyone at my sessions)

Isabella’s session was great. I heard all about her almost playing the lead her in school musical, EVITA and her currently lazy summer days on the hammock. And get this….she saw both Hadestown and Hamilton on the Broadway (remember when we had that in NY?) and she liked Hadestown better?! Now all I want to do is see Hadestown!! :)

The second part of her session is Tuesday night in Concord, MA and I can’t wait to share those photos too!

TWO years ago on  a freezing cold day in MARCH.

TWO years ago on a freezing cold day in MARCH.

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Young Actor Headshots- Zoey


Zoey knows a lot…about a lot of things. Teach her a dance - she has it down in a day and can tell me what I am forgetting in my own choreography. Need some music composed or harmonies taught- she has already made the recording and distributed it to her peers. Want someone to know the ins and outs of the school auditorium sound system- Done! (See what I mean?) This bodes well for her desire to study music management in college. She is perfectly suited to this work! Definitely the most organized person in the room. And heck - if the lead singer loses their voice, Zoey can run on stage and belt the heck out of whatever song they need. (because of course…she has a great voice too!)


Senior Portraits- Matthew


Personally, I find photographing traditional young men a very fun, creative challenge. With women, 99% of the time I can throw them a pose, they nail it, and it looks great. With men, however, it’s more of a trial and error dance to locate the most flattering position for their body. It’s not like I can ask Matthew to sit on a rock with his knees to the side “ a la a mermaid” like I did with Kaylie or “one leg popped “ like Kate . That would be ridiculous!

So…while my clients might think I am just staring off into space or pelting them with questions for my own amusement, what I am really doing is watching their body language for clues to help me put them in positions that will be comfortable and natural looking. Ok, and sometimes I am just staring off to space praying to jesus that she would just send me some darn clouds!!!

Mother + Son - Too much joy to not share

Mother + Son - Too much joy to not share

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Senior Portrait + Headshot- Taylor


Speaking of moms, these two are quite the pair. I don’t usually put up the photo of mother & daughter, but Kristy/Christie was such a huge part of Taylor’s session that it seemed wrong to not include her too!

But back to Taylor - She does expect to attend college next year, but it’s up in the air at the moment as she is far more excited by “dating Shawn Mendes”. A few nights before our session she went to his concert and, as she tells it, the two of them were hitting it off pretty well. Had the venue security guard not dragged her off the stage she is certain Shawn would have asked for her number.

This gal, I tell ya. What you see is a tiny, Disney Princess of a girl who you assume is lovely (you’re correct) but probably very shy. What you get is a confident firecracker of a young woman whose kindness is balanced effortlessly by her smart sass. She is also very neat…or her mom Christie is. (or Kristy…sorry not sure) Taylor’s clothes were perfectly organized and pressed with accessories and shoes and the whole nine yards. It was fascinatingly well thought out.

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Young Actor Headshots- Teddy


Double Majoring in Musical Theater and Vocal Performance, Teddy is clearly willing to do the work to get where he wants to go. Heck, he cut out pasta and dairy this summer and says that as a result, he both lost 25 lbs and his voice is better than ever! ( I do get that and understand the correlation of those foods with his instrument, but… I think I will finish my cookies and cream sundae.)


Teddy credits his high school voice teacher at Walnut Hill School Arts , for recognizing the multi- dimensional vocal skills he possess and encouraging him to try opera as well.

From the tiny bits I got to hear during our session, I have no doubt in his abilities. (yes, sometimes there is singing…and dancing at my headshot sessions. :) )

The “big smile” photos are the true Teddy and while I know next to nothing about the opera world, I do know that Pavarotti smiled…so Teddy can too!

Teddy is the perfect example of why I love photographing headshots for young actors. He is so fun and excited about his future which as a result made me excited for him !

A rising senior at Oklahoma City University, the alma mater of Broadway greats Kristen Chenoweth and Kelli Ohara, Teddy is clear about what it takes to follow in their footsteps.

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Young Actor Headshots- Brigit


In my opinion, Brigit is a saint. Accompanied only by her guitar skills, an amp and her desire to perform, she busks her days away entertaining tourists and locals alike at Faneuil Hall. (Yes, that is where you have seen her) It’s a job I could never see myself doing . The mere thought of trying to sing while a bunch of tourists wander loudly about in their Red Sox and/or Patriots gear asking “Where’s the real Cheers?” while yelling at their sticky, ice cream dripping kids who are too tired/young/bored to walk the freaking Freedom Trail thank you very much, is enough to reroute me until the season ends. But Brigit seems to love it! :)

Before even embarking on senior year she is already getting paid to do work that she loves. What a gift! Not to mention the fact that she grew up winning awards following in her family’s Irish dancing footsteps.

Brigit is lovely and warm and incredibly talented. Go hear her sing…and put some money in her bucket so she can quit that job and go to college. She deserves it.
