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Last Minute Summer Activities

Lily here!! It makes me a little sad to have to write this blog already since it feels like I just left school for summer break, but if you’re like me and want to ensure that you make the most of your last few days of summer, you’re in luck.

#1. Day trip

This is one of my favorite things to do at really any time of the year. Having a destination is a great way to spend the day and a good excuse to get out of the house. There’s plenty of great spots to go for the day like the beach or a historical landmark like a movie location. The set for the movie Little Women in Concord, MA is a place that is on my bucket list, I’m trying to go before summer ends!

#2. Picnic

Perfect summer activity! Gather up some of your friends, snacks, blankets, and find a nice field or park to set up in. A great opportunity to take pictures and eat some yummy food.

#3. Hike

Now, I’m not a big outdoorsy person, but even I can admit that hiking is a great short-time option to get some fresh air. Sure, the constant walk uphill isn’t something that necessarily excites me, but the view from the top is worth it. And, if you want to get really crazy, you can combine #2 and #3! A picnic at the top of a trail!

#4. Stargazing

This one may be hard if you live near lots of street/city lights, but if you can manage to find a place with no artificial lights, laying down and looking up at the stars with your friends is so peaceful. I only know the big and little dipper, but it’s still fun to look at.

#5. Drive-in Movie

Forever a classic summer activity. Not only is this a covid-safe environment, but the drive-in is so much fun. Great with friends, but also something you can do alone. Popcorn, outdoor movie theatre, and a cozy blanket set-up in the trunk of your car is the best way to spend a cool summer night.